Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2nd Quater & European Government Systems!!!

I know that it seems like forever since my last posting but we have been SUPER busy here at Charles R. Drew Charter School. The 6th grade students had a truly enriching learning experience at the Breman House. I have had several students and parents speak to me about how much they learned from the experience. Thank you for speaking with your students about the significance of this field trip and allowing them to share in such a learning experience. I truly feel as though it is one field trip they will never forget.

Report cards finally went out this week. There are still many students who are struggling in this course. Now that we are halfway through the semester, it is vital that all students kick it into HIGH GEAR! We have nine weeks left in this semester and students must have a 70 to pass me for the year. Let us continue to work together to ensure that our students excel.

We have now entered into what I feel is some of the most challenging Social Studies content in sixth grade: Government & Economics. This week we will begin SS6CG4, which introduces students into the different types of government "power distribution systems" and "civic participation". Students will be introduced to many new key terms they have never heard before, please work with them in reinforce that STUDYING IS A MUST!

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