Tuesday, September 22, 2009

100 Year Flood ! Oh my!

Well this has proven to be a most eventful week and it is only Tuesday! Today we were supposed to be visiting the America I am exhibit, however due to weather issues school was cancelled today. I will be contacting the exhibit to see if we can reschedule for another day this week. As a result, we will be playing some things by ear this week. It is my desire to begin Unit 2: European History this week. Students will be issued new checklists that you should check to help ensure that they are on pace with the course. Parents can go to the wiki page > parent documents > at the bottom of the page you will find the complete Europe checklist. If we are able to complete the first set of notes on European Exploration by Friday there will be a writing prompt posted on the wiki for students to complete by next Friday. Please allow them access the wiki to complete their assignments. I will make additional postings/edits as the week progresses to keep you all posted.

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